Strategies For Preserving Local Economies
The South Central Assembly, partnering with the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, is offering its fourth in a series of virtual meetings to help community agencies and the region respond to urgent housing and community development needs.
The South Central Assembly will conduct a virtual meeting to discussstrategies counties, municipalities, the Commonwealth and economic development organizations may employ to Preserve Local Economies.
Bill Fontana, PA Downtown Center, will provide a look ahead on the state of PA’s Downtowns after the COVID crisis ends. His remarks will offer thoughts on how to prepare for the changes that may occur, short-term and long-term.
Gina Lavery, Econsult Solutions, Inc., will present findings from their recent symposium on “Perspectives on Economic Development Initiatives and Strategies in the Age of Covid 19”.
Jamie Keener, CEO, Cumberland Area Economic Development Corporation (CAEDC) and Elaine Bonneau, Executive Director of York’s Downtown Inc. will respond and comment on the Fontana and Lavery presentations.
This information should help local officials and community organizations build strategies to preserve local economies. The panel for this session will also include local leaders who will react to the presenter’s thoughts on the future of downtowns and preserving / reinventing local economies in our region in the wake of the Pandemic.
This is an opportunity to learn what others are doing, and to collaborate and coordinate activities. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions of the panel, and to share their thoughts on Strategies For Preserving Local Economies.
The session is intended for officials and practitioners from Municipal, County, Planning and Community Economic Development organizations and other individuals and organizations concerned with the effects the Pandemic is having on local governance and local economies. It will share an understanding of what’s happening and best practices in the region.
Introduction to the SCA Pandemic Response Series:
George Klaus & Steve Snell, Co Chairs, South Central Assembly Housing & Community Development Committee
Presenters and Panel:
- Bill Fontana, Director of Strategic Initiatives, Pennsylvania Downtown Center
- Gina Lavery, Principal, Econsult Solutions, Inc. (ESI)
- Jamie Keener, CEO, Cumberland Area Economic Development Corporation (CAEDC)
- Elaine Bonneau, Executive Director of York’s Downtown Inc. (Inv.)
- Moderator: Ed Geiger, Principal, Edge Strategic Consulting
Date and Time: October 29, 2020 10:00 AM – 11:30 AM EDT
Participation will be limited to the first 100 registrations.
Zoom login information will be distributed in the confirmation email.