Specialized Business Development Services in Pennsylvania’s Cumberland County

Cumberland Area Economic Development Corporation (CAEDC) is your dedicated business concierge, connecting you with resources to accelerate your business relocation, growth, and innovation. Contact us to discuss your project and learn how we can help facilitate your business expansion. Our consultative approach helps companies reduce costs, save time, optimize talent, and grow sales.

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Site Selection

CAEDC can assist with the identification of shovel-ready sites, sites available for immediate occupancy, and sites where your business use is compatible with local planning, zoning, and building codes.

Development Process Services

CAEDC can help your business coordinate with local, state, and federal officials and agencies to facilitate an efficient, effective review and approval process for your land development, zoning, and building plans. Abundant land, a skilled workforce, a strategic location, and a business-friendly community are why businesses that could build anywhere choose Cumberland County.


Redevelopment of former industrial and underutilized properties is critical for maintaining a balanced economy. In some cases, sites have severe limitations that require a combination of public and private funding strategies. Contact CAEDC to discuss ways we can assist with redevelopment projects.

Real Estate Collaborative, LLC (REC)

In addition to providing services to private developers, CAEDC’s subsidiary, Real Estate Collaborative, LLC (REC), works to redevelop properties in order to encourage job creation and increase the tax base in Cumberland County.