
5 2024
How To Improve Small Business Marketing

During a time of economic slowdown, many businesses slow their marketing efforts. They may think the effort isn’t worth it since people aren’t spending money. Actually, the opposite is true….

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21 2023
The Benefits of Apprenticeships for Employers and Employees

An apprenticeship is a cost-effective way for organizations to grow talent without spending money on new hires. While apprenticeships have associated costs, they lower long-term recruitment and training costs by giving…

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6 2023
Cumberland County’s Strong Economy Supported by Military Installations & Federal Spending

Nestled in the heart of southcentral Pennsylvania, Cumberland County is known for its rich history, picturesque landscapes, and thriving communities. Ranked as the fastest-growing county in the Commonwealth, Cumberland County’s…

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27 2023
How Small Businesses Stay Competitive in a Digital Age 

Nearly 90% of small business owners cite technology as a leading factor for surviving and thriving in challenging conditions — and that goes for new, existing and aspiring owners. Embracing the digital…

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