3-acre site
701 Market Street
Lemoyne Borough
Public Engagement Process
RGS Associates, in partnership with the Real Estate Collaborative (REC) LMS, LLC, has concluded a public engagement process for the redevelopment efforts at the former Lemoyne Middle School, a three acre site located at 701 Market Street in the Borough of Lemoyne.
The public engagement process included two public meetings and a survey to allow the community to provide their comments, concerns and preferences about the project. Over 50 individuals attended each of the meetings, and over 230 people filled out the survey.
Thank you to all those who filled out the Lemoyne Middle School Redevelopment survey and attended the public meetings on July 16, 2018 and August 20, 2018.
At the first public meeting RGS’ land planning team presented an overview of the site, engaged in group discussions and gathered public sentiment about the project.
View PresentationView Meeting Notes
At the second public meeting, RGS shared the results of the public information gathering process as well as two broad conceptual plans for the site.
View Presentation
Project Timeline
Next Steps
- Targeting to reconnect with Lemoyne Borough Workshop at the March 7th meeting
- Sending out communication with updates to interested community members
January 3, 2019 – Attended the Lemoyne Borough Workshop Meeting. Highlights shared include:
- Introduced CAEDC’s new Director of Real Estate Development – Mason McClellan
- Interest in townhouse-style apartments on the back side of the property
- Talking with an interested (brew pub) party for part of the front section
- Estimating costs for full demo or selective demo to try to keep pieces of the original architecture (facade)
- It is highly likely that this site will need public funding support to help bridge significant funding gaps
- Work continues behind the scenes to evaluate the financial and market feasibility for the site
November & December 2018
- Continued to work on refining concepts and evaluating financial feasibility of the two scenarios
- Continued to evaluate market feasibility for the two scenarios
- Identified opportunities and challenges associated with the two scenarios
October 4, 2018 – Reviewed survey results and recommended scenarios with Lemoyne Borough Council
September 11, 2018 – Reviewed survey results and recommended scenarios with Lemoyne Borough Planning Commission
Learn more about the Real Estate Collaborative, LLC.