
South Middleton Connector Road

March 18, 2014 ·Transportation & Warehousing

Total Investment: $3,800,000

Estimated Jobs Created: 975

Programs Used: Multi-Modal Transportation Funding Program

In working with DCED and PennDOT, CAEDC used the Multi-Modal Transportation Funding Program to secure $2.6 million and create 975 jobs to construct a connector road between Route 641 (Trindle Road) and Route 74 (York Road) to improve traffic flow at the Interstate 81 interchange at Exits 48 and 49.

News Articles:
Cumberland Valley Projects Awarded Grants
South Middleton Township Supervisors Lend Support to Connector Road Funding

“Jonathan Bowser and his team at CAEDC are delivering results. The support and expertise I received in pursuit of a public funding strategy to help build the South Middleton Connector Road has been outstanding. CAEDC’s assistance was directly responsible for the award of over 2.6 million in Multi-Modal Transportation Funding Grants. Ultimately, it is estimated that this public investment will result in over 108 million in added economic value, creating hundreds of jobs while helping to solve a regional transportation problem that has plagued the Carlisle area for decades. Results matter and this team delivers.” – Steven J. Rose – Rose Business Park and RSJ Holdings, LLC

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