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December 14, 2021
9:00 am - 10:30 am

South Central Assembly Pandemic Response Series Webinar 16:  Accessing ARPA Funds for Nonprofits & Community Based Organizations

About This Event:

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) provides significant resources to counties and municipalities to address COVID-related problems and needs.  The scope of funding spans a broad range of program areas and needs including housing and infrastructure to healthcare, education, and human services.  The most flexible of the ARPA funding appears to be the Coronavirus State and Local Fiscal Recovery Funds that have been allocated by the federal government and the Commonwealth to all counties and municipalities in Pennsylvania.

While these funds are already awarded and there are many unanswered questions about the technical requirements, there is still an opportunity for nonprofit and community-based organizations to partner with counties and municipalities to utilize these funds to overcome the effects of the pandemic, address its economic fallout, and lay the foundation for a strong and equitable recovery.

This webinar will discuss how nonprofit and community-based organizations can begin preparing for and taking initial steps to access ARPA funds. Some topics to be covered include:

  • Overview of the allocation process and eligible uses
  • Trends on how municipalities are implementing the use of ARPA funds
  • How to speak to your county and local elected officials and managers about partnering with them to access their ARPA funds and help them in their efforts to serve their communities
  • Potential tools and sources of information to track use of ARPA funds
  • Examples of projects that community organizations are pursuing
  • Strategies to promote community projects

Presenters include:

  • Ted Martin, Deputy Director, Governor’s Center for Local Government Services, DCED
  • Anne L. Gingerich, Executive Director, Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO)
  • Karen Groh, President/CEO, Lebanon Valley Chamber of Commerce
  • Vanessa Philbert, CEO, Community Action Partnership
  • Facilitator: Ed Geiger, Edge Strategic Consulting

 Register by clicking on this link:


There is no charge to register for this session.  Your registration confirmation will provide a link to access the session using Zoom.

This is an opportunity to learn what others are doing, and to collaborate and coordinate activities. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions of the panel and to share their thoughts on helping local governments move beyond the Pandemic.