If you have been thinking about opening a business or a second location for your current business then come take a look at what Downtown Carlisle has to offer! The Downtown Carlisle Association is hosting a Downtown Carlisle Property Showcase on Friday, February 9 at 3:00 p.m. This event highlights available properties and offers an opportunity to learn the steps to open a business in Carlisle. The showcase tour will start at 117 N. Hanover Street (next to the greatest gift) where we will welcome you and take you on walking tour of available downtown properties. We will complete the tour at the Comfort Suites located 10 S. Hanover Street where we’ll offer you an opportunity to talk one-on-one with key people who can guide you through the process of opening your own business. Register for the showcase by emailing [email protected]. Open YOUR business in 2018 in Downtown Carlisle!