Learn how to improve your virtual job interview skills with virtual sessions and one-on-one meetings with the instructors.
The sessions include:
- Introduction to Online Interviewing
- Interviewing Essentials
- Preparation and Practice
- Individual Sessions
Learning Objectives
Upon completing the sessions, participants should be able to:
- Research the positions and organizations to which they apply
- Prepare answers for commonly asked questions
- Present themselves effectively on camera in terms of background, lighting, volume, and appearance.
- Respond appropriately to an interviewer.
- Communicate with an appearance of confidence.
- Use online technologies appropriately for interviewing.
- Adapt in case of technology failures.
Program Details
Location: Online
Format: Three two-hour sessions with individual instructor sessions and asynchronous recorded responses, as well as supplemental videos with extras and bonus information.
- March 5: 6 PM – 7 PM
- March 6: 11 AM – 12 PM and 1 PM – 2 PM
- March 7: Individual 30 minute sessions with instructors from 12 PM to 5 PM
Cost: FREE