The South Central Assembly is hosting a new event in our Community Webinar Series, and we’d love to see you there. Join us for “Sustainable and Resilient Communities of Pennsylvania”: on November 2, 2022, from 12:00 PM-1:30 PM.
We hope you’re able to join us! Please register by clicking here.
This session is intended for local governments, community organizations, and anyone interested in learning more about what makes a community sustainable and resilient. The webinar will present governments and community partners with opportunities to implement their goals through Local Climate Action Plans, conduct energy audits, consider energy efficiency and alternative energy measures, and pursue sustainable community certification. Examples from communities within and outside the South Central PA region will be discussed.
Agenda & Presenters
Karla Farrell, AICP, Moderator
Local Climate Action Planning – Implementation and Integration Considerations
- Kirk Stoner, AICP, Director, Cumberland County Planning Department
- Stephen Campbell, Director of Public Works, City of Lancaster
Municipal Energy Audits and Efficiency Incentive Opportunities
- Peter Oven, P.E., Project Manager, Wilson Engineering Services
Sustainable Community Certification
- Jim Price, Senior Program Manager, Sustainable Pittsburgh
Jared Woolston, AICP, Sustainable Community and Economic Planning Department Director, Carlisle Borough