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The South Central Assembly is offering the next session in its Pandemic Response Series , virtual meetings to help community agencies respond to urgent regional needs brought about by the Pandemic. This session is offered in partnership with the Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania and the Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia.

The Pandemic has presented major challenges for those who are experiencing homelessness, and for those who provide housing and services for the homeless. This webinar will look at how county coalitions on homelessness
and service providers have dealt with these challenges, examine new best practices for helping the homeless, and offer thoughts on coping with upcoming issues and problems on the horizon. Some topics to be covered include:
 Pivoting from congregate housing to hotels, future of congregate housing
 How is the influx of federal money being used in other communities to help the homeless?
 What policies and practices have worked across the region?
 Changing outreach – reaching folks who are no longer in congregate housing and unsheltered populations
 Getting ready for Evictions?
 Need for better landlord tenant relations, outreach, incentives and mediation
 Coping with provider staffing shortages, staffing issues/fears, helping staff be comfortable with this new world we are in
 Using technology and helping people who don’t have the technology

Presenters include:
 Facilitator: Kelly Blechertas, Program Coordinator, York County Coalition on Homelessness, and York County Planning Commission
 Lori Leister, Chair, York County Coalition on Homelessness, and Asst. Director of Mental Health Services, Bell Socialization Services
 Jennifer Koppel, Director, Lancaster County Homelessness Coalition
 Jennifer Wintermyer, Chair, Capital Area Coalition on Homelessness, and Executive Director, Tri County Community Action Agency

Register by clicking on this link:

There is no charge to register for this session. Your registration confirmation shall provide a link to access the session using Zoom.
This is an opportunity to learn what others are doing, and to collaborate and coordinate activities. Attendees are encouraged to ask questions of the panel, and to share their thoughts on Homeless In The Pandemic.
This session is intended for human service agencies, community organizations, housing and redevelopment organizations, local governments, financial institutions, nonprofit and for profit employers. This session is open to
anyone interested in discussing how to assist the Homeless In The Pandemic. It will share an understanding of what’s happening and best practices in the region.

We hope you or a representative of your organization and community can attend one or more of these important sessions. Please feel free to forward this announcement to others who may find it helpful.
Visit our Website at www.southcentralassembly.org