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CAEDC is Accepting Applications for LSA Grants

September 5, 2023

CAEDC is Accepting Applications for LSA Grants


Carlisle, Pa – The Local Share Account (LSA), a statewide grant program opened on Friday, September 1, 2023 and interested non-profit applicants can apply through the Cumberland Area Economic Development Corporation (CAEDC).

CAEDC is seeking applicants who are a non-profit organization, need funding for projects between $25,000-$1,000,000, and either have an economic development component, or grow overnight stays for visitors in the region.

Eligible uses include:

  • Acquisition
  • Construction
  • Demolition
  • Infrastructure
  • Purchase of vehicles, machinery and/or equipment (excluding uniforms, protective equipment, consumable supplies, and furniture)
  • Planning, consulting, and design costs related to planning projects.
  • Engineering, design, and inspection, to include permitting fees, for construction projects not to exceed 10% of the total grant award.
  • Administrative costs of the grantee for the purposes of administering the grant. Administrative costs may not exceed 2% of the total grant request.
  • Contingency costs not to exceed 5% of documented construction and infrastructure costs.

Interested, qualified applicants can apply on CAEDC’s online application at or by contacting staff.

The Application window is September 1- November 30, 2023. The deadline to submit applications to CAEDC is November 16th.

The LSA Grant is funded through the PA Race Horse Development and Gaming Act (Act 2004-71), as amended, which provides for the distribution of gaming revenues through the Commonwealth Financing Authority (CFA) to support projects in the public interest within the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania.

CAEDC is Cumberland County’s authorized agency charged with leveraging and promoting Cumberland Valley’s economic development and tourism assets to drive growth, create jobs and improve the quality of life. Offices are located at 53 W. South Street, Carlisle PA. For more information, visit and